61 is the first work out of my artistic research on the phenomenology of sound, or the phenomenology of listening, and was developed during a residency at Overtoon. The installation researches my own history as a listener. In 61 I am working with the recordings I made in my parental home a couple of years ago. The house itself has disappeared since then.

In those last months of the house, I recorded all the sounds I could get my hands on. 61 works with recordings of room tones - the signature background sounds of a room - and a special surround sound setup, using normal and hyperdirectional speakers. The hyperdirectional speakers are mounted on moving pan/tilt units, thus creating a continuously moving grid of sound. It explores how a house - my house, your house, our house - sounds. Which role does sound play in making us feel at home? What does 'a home' sound like, what does your home sound like? How much is this background sound part of our own history, our own identity? How has it contributed to the person I am today, or the person I will be tomorrow?

stills from a showing at STUK, pictures by Joeri Thiry and Stijn Demeulenaere.
61 - room tone study

61 is an installation with a delicate balance between the room tones of   61, the different kinds of speakers and the space where the installation is exhibited. This delicate balance doesn't survive the transition to the web. The track above plays a stereo study of the room tones used in   61. You can watch a trailer from the presentation at STUK here.

I dedicate this work to my father and my mother, and my brothers and my sisters who made this home, my first home, the magical place it was. Thank you Moeke, Vake, Sofie, Sigrid, Kristoff, Thomas, Joachim and Sander.

On the occasion of my residency there, STUK did a small interview with me about the installation. You can watch that interview here. On the occasion of the  The State Of Things exhibition, a review appeared in Agenda Magazine. You can read that review here.

A lot of people helped in the production of  61. Thanks to: Aernoudt Jacobs, Christoph De Boeck, Saartje Geerts, Karlien Vanhoonacker, Gilke Vanuytsel, Jitske Vandenbussche, Olivier and Vincent from Culture Crew and the technical crews of STUK and Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek.